Friday 13 June 2014

Room 3's Trip to the Airport

Last Tuesday Room 3 went on a trip to the Dunedin Airport. We had such a great time!

Here are some of the highlights:

“Seeing the fire engine squirt out water and thinking it was going to wet us.” Oakley

“Watching the planes land.” Alexis

“Watching the bags go around the conveyor belt.” Samara

“Looking at the plane take off.” Poppy

“Watching the jet plane.” Sam

“When we saw the water spraying out the top of the fire engine.” Jorja

“Watching our bags on the computer as they went on the conveyor belt.” Maddie

“Seeing the jet take off and seeing the new and old fire engines.” Nicholas

“Looking at the fire engines spray water.” Vishvan

“I liked seeing the photos.” Elise

“Watching the adults bags on the computer as they went the X-ray machine.” everyone!

Here is a video of what we got up to (sorry it has taken me so long to upload it - working out how to add photos and movies to make one complete movie tested my iMovie making skills, so I hope it works!)


  1. That was awesome when the plan tok off

    1. that was my favourite part of the trip!

  2. Room 5 loved watching your airport trip movie! It looks like you had an awesome time. We enjoyed our trip as well. From Room 5.

  3. What a great song choice!

  4. Poppy's grandparents17 June 2014 at 01:03

    Looks like Room 3 had a great day at the airport - well done with the Movie

  5. I liked the Airport trip! and I think Ollie did too!

  6. I'm glad you had fun on your trip to the airport. I got on a little prop plane at Dunedin airport, then we got on a bigger one, then we went on the biggest one- it had an upper floor!! Planes are cool!

    1. Wow Samuel! That sounds awesome! We hope you are having a good time in America! We miss you! What does America look like? From Room 3
